
Maddalena Ferrara

Laureata con lode alla Facoltà di Architettura dell’Università di Genova, entra nello studio di Giancarlo De Carlo a Milano dove partecipa alla redazione di concorsi internazionali e di numerosi progetti fino al livello esecutivo e alla Direzione dei Lavori.  Nel 1995 è Visiting Critic al Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, USA; nel 1994 Teaching Assistant al Summer Program della University of Pennsylvania a Monselice (Padova) e nel 1993 Visiting Critic alla University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA.  Fino al 1999 collabora con la rivista di architettura Spazio&Società diretta da Giancarlo De Carlo.   Collabora con gli architetti Bruno Morassutti (1998/2003) e Umberto Riva (1998).  Nel 1992 apre il proprio studio a Milano, nel 2002 in Liguria. Il rapporto professionale con De Carlo continua fino al 2005.
 Si occupa soprattutto di recupero di edifici storici, di ristrutturazione e architettura di interni e di edilizia scolastica.   E’ iscritta all’Ordine degli Architetti, Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori della Provincia di Milano.  Dal 1998 traduce libri e saggi di storia e critica dell’architettura per case editrici e riviste internazionali, tra cui Lotus, Abitare, Mendrisio Academy Press e Rizzoli International.     

Graduated with magna cum laude from the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Genova, she started her career in the architectural practice of Giancarlo De Carlo in Milan where she was involved in several international architectural competitions and developed numerous projects ranging from designing to construction drawings and supervision of work.

In 1993 she was Visiting Critic at The University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA.  The following year she participated in the University's Summer Program in Monselice (Padua) as Teaching Assistant. In 1995 she was Visiting Critic at The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge USA.

Until 1999 she regularly collaborated with the international architectural magazine Space&Society directed by Giancarlo De Carlo.

Throughout her career she has worked with the architects Bruno Morassutti (1998/2003) and Umberto Riva (1998).

In 1992 she opened her own practice in Milan, she went on to expand into Liguria in 2002 and continued her professional collaboration with De Carlo until 2005.

The practice has mainly undertaken educational building design, historical building renewas and redevelopments, housing and interior design. 
 Registered with the Association of Architects, Planners, Landscapers and Conservationists of Milan

Since 1998 she has been working as translator of books and essays about architectural history and critics. She has undertaken this work for publishing houses and magazines such as Lotus, Mendrisio Academy Press and Rizzoli International.


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